Aug 27, 2020
Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about leaguecast news, upcoming KDA music, why NA sucks at video games, the lack of actual news, LCS and LEC playoff discussion, emails, and more all on episode 445 of Leaguecast Podcast!
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Aug 20, 2020
Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the patch 10.17 for League and TFT, a champion spotlight on Yone, some LCS and playoff discussion, emails, and more all on episode 444 of Leaguecast Podcast!
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Aug 12, 2020
Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the preseason item change goals, a meta snapshot for patch 10.16, some LCS and LEC playoff discussion, emails, and more all on episode 443 of Leaguecast Podcast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - us -
Aug 6, 2020
Aidan, Nick and Colton talk about the Leaguecast 1v1 Tournament, the upcoming Yone release, Patch 10.16, Worlds news, emails, and more all on episode 442 of Leaguecast Podcast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - us -