Jan 30, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about Legends of Runeterra, some leaguecast news, a metakaiser on Sett, a discussion on win rate of champs, a small newlywed game, LCS news, lots of emails, and more on episode 414 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us...
Jan 23, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about patch 10.2, some leaguecast news, URF, the 2020 ranked reset, LCS news, a meta snapshot, lots of emails, and more on episode 413 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook...
Jan 16, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about all the new news including upcoming reworks, skins, board games, and champions, some competitive league news, lots of emails, and more on episode 412 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us...
Jan 9, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about the new season and patch, leaks of upcoming champs and skins, the start of ranked, Yuumi and Wukong bot, new LCS format, read lots of emails, and more on episode 411 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us...