Feb 27, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about Leaguecast patreon news, Clash, The new TFT season, a metakaiser Ornn top, LCS news, lots of emails, and more on episode 418 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook...
Feb 20, 2020
Nick and Colton talk about patch 10.4, a TFT trip around galaxies, fair champions, your emails, and more on episode 417 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/Leaguecast/Visit our Website...
Feb 13, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about upcoming Leaguecast patreon news, refund tokens, TFT mobile launch, a metakaiser Soraka top, LCS news, lots of emails, and more on episode 416 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook...
Feb 6, 2020
Nick, Aidan, and Colton talk about Legends of Runeterra, patch 10.3, a metakaiser on some old canceled champions, LCS news, lots of emails, and more on episode 415 of LeagueCast!
Email us - mail@leaguecastpodcast.comSupport us - www.patreon.com/leaguecastTweet us - https://twitter.com/leaguecastFacebook...